This month, the European Commission adopted a law to restore 20% of EU’s land and sea, formally titled Nature Restoration Law. 

We take this opportunity to explain what the EU Nature Restoration Law entails, including key objectives and indicators, and how The Porto Protocol plans to support this law through its Living Vineyards project 


The Nature Restoration Law, recently adopted by The European Commision, aims to address the alarming state of European habitats, with over 80 percent categorized as being in poor condition according to the EU. This legislation, initially proposed in June of 2022, seeks to restore degraded ecosystems in agreed member states. Through various practices, it aims to improve biodiversity, consequently aiding in the achievement of climate goals and enhancing food security. 

The projections include 30 percent restoration by 2030, 60 percent by 2040 and 90 percent by 2050.  

Restoration efforts should prioritize Natura 2000 areas, which include over 27,000 nature reserves and habitat sites protected by the EU such as forests, grasslands, wetlands, rivers, lakes and coral beds.  


In order to measure improvement in biodiversity and ecosystem health in agricultural systems, two of the three major indicators must be met by EU countries:  

Grassland butterfly index (and common farmland bird index), which measures the increase of butterfly and bird populations. Butterflies and bird populations act as barometers for environmental health. Yet, common agriculture practices and human behavior (urban sprawl) has disrupted the natural behaviors and habits butterflies and birds rely on.   

High-diversity landscape features such as non-productive areas (small wetlands, ponds, fallow land and others).  

– Soil health indicators such as stock of organic carbon.   

Among its stipulations, the law specifies that: 


The initial proposal of this restoration law inspired The Porto Protocol to create the Living Vineyards initiative which takes these goals towards climate action and apply them to the wine industry. Its mission is to empower winegrowers worldwide to become leaders in ecosystem restoration. 

According to Emmanuel Bourguignon, part of the project’s leading team, “Thriving ecosystems, above and below ground, could be the most powerful solution to buffer the effects of climate change.” Through collaboration, innovation and education, we will prioritize ecological integrity to enhance biodiversity and soil health whilst producing exceptional wines. 

Living Vineyards envisions a world where the art of winemaking harmonizes with the preservation and restoration of the natural environment, setting a new standard for responsible viticulture. 

What we want to achieve: 

Listen or watch our Living Vineyards Climate Talk with our Leading Team Nuno Gaspar De Oliveira of NBI – Natural Business Intelligence, Cristina Crava of The Porto Protocol, Tom Croghan of The Vineyards at Dodon and Emmanuel Bourguignon of LAMS 21 (Laboratoire d’Analyses Microbiologiques des Sols).  

Go to our website page – Living Vineyards to learn more about this program.   


Nature restoration: Parliament adopts law to restore 20% of EU’s land and sea 

Landscape Features and Biodiversity 

The European environment-state and outlook 2020: Knowledge for transition to a sustainable Europe 

Natura 2000 


Written by Tana Schwarz, Communications Specialist - The Porto Protocol


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