Deep Root Irrigation

With global weather changes, worldwide droughts, growing populations, and increasing demand for food, fresh water has become the new gold. We believe that fresh water is one of our planet’s most precious resources; and how we use it is of immense importance. By implanting the most sustainable irrigation technologies we can ensure a healthy planet for all future generations.

Deep Root Irrigation (DRI) is an innovative product that improves upon the shortcomings of traditional drip irrigation on permanent crops. It does this by drastically reducing water and other irrigation costs while improving the health and quality of the plant it is used on.

In short, DRI provides farmers with a better way to grow! DRI technology helps farmers reduce irrigation costs, increase profitability, and save environmental resources. DRI was created when California’s vineyard industry experienced severe droughts in the early 2000’s. During this time, water was scarce and vineyard farmers needed a more efficient solution to irrigate their crops. Since that time many of Napa Valley’s most famous vineyard and orchard growers have been implementing DRI, not only to save water and energy, but also to have more quality control over their fields.

DRI in vineyards have been tested to save from 50% to 80% of the water that drip irrigation is using. At the same time, DRI decreases fertilizer costs by 50% , and weed control costs by about 95%. Basically, a win win for the environment and the farmer that uses it.

Many countries around the world are depleting their ground water faster than it is being replenished, and many countries are restricting the amount of water that a farmer can use. This water restriction trend is becoming more and more prevalent in many countries around the world, as these countries realize that for their country to remain stable, they have to protect their water resources from being wasted.

DRI technology bridges the gap between water availability, sustainability, and a farmers ability to continue to grow the quantity and quality he desires. We believe that the use of DRI benefits both farms and the planet, and through these changes the world becomes a better place through real sustainable change and awareness of how to better use our planet’s fresh water supply.

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