San Polino

Climate change is visible as we work in the vineyards, our privilege as winemakers is to have a platform from which to talk. We have no choice but to remedy the ignorance inculcated by an obsolete system, fight corruption, and use our winemakers’ voice in a call for climate action.


At San Polino we believe that all life on this planet is linked by a single thread, forming a myriad of wondrous interconnections which encompass all of us at San Polino: the people who work here, the animals, the plants, the insects, all who come to visit us, our importers abroad and the people who buy and enjoy our wines wherever they may be in the world.
We hold that the qualities of balance, harmony, elegance and structure which make an aesthetic object of a wine are but the simple portrait of the balance, richness and harmony present in each of the ecosystems necessary for the production of that wine.

These ecosystems are dynamic, complex and exciting. At San Polino we wish to gain a deeper insight into how these ecosystems interplay and influence each other. We want to know their effects on the winemaking processes. That is why we like to develop and work on our projects together with researchers; geologists, botanists and entomologists, ornithologists and microbiologists. The better grasp we have of the complex natural world of the ecosystems in our vineyards, the better we can make our wines.

We are also, however, painfully aware of the impact viticulture and winemaking can have on the environment. We believe that only through collaboration and communication with likeminded winemakers will we be able to forge healthier, more sustainable viticultural strategies for the future

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